Regret is always in hindsight.
You cannot talk about regret without referring to the past.
It is merely a concept for engaging in mental gymnastics. It serves no useful purpose.
The very foundation of the concept is so flawed and based on the assumption that you had the will to act differently at a particular point in time in the past.
I would rather refrain from delving into the topic of “Free Will”, however, it is quite certain in my experience that Humans have extremely limited free will.
You always take the action at the level of your understanding, at that point in time. And this understanding is not final but destined to evolve and mature with time. Thus, you cannot act otherwise.
“Could have”, “Should have”, “Would have” always appear in the aftermath.
You may argue that contemplating on regrets can be quite useful. It may help you make better decisions in the future. But I have my doubts. The situation in the future may look very similar to what you had experienced in the past, but never exactly the same. There are always nuanced differences in the new situation. And thus, the old solution is rarely effective. With time passing, it needs fresh approach.
Regret is futile.
The very concept of regret proves that you have no control. If you had, you would have designed your life exactly the way you wanted! No such thing as “regret” will exist.
You do not have regrets.
You cannot have regrets.
There are NO regrets.
Everything is unfolding exactly as it is supposed to, moment by moment.
Rest is just your interpretation.