Part of you want to escape the situation but part of you want to face it.
Part of you is afraid but part of you is a rebel.
Part of you is muddled as mud but part of you is as clear as blue sky.
Part of you want to hold on but part of you want to let go.
Part of you want to defend but part of you want to be silent.
Part of you want security but part of you is excited about uncertainty.
Part of you is raging in anger but part of you understand the futility of it.
Part of you want to resist the change but part of you want to embrace it.
Part of you is faced with a conundrum but part of you know the clear solution.
Part of you is at war but part of you is at peace.
The split tears you apart but the part you focus on, the part you take action upon, will ultimately shape your life.
Woooow!! U really are a very good writer Aditya! And your thoughts flow so well in form of words. You are gifted buddy 😊Btw which part did u go with ??😉
Thanks Dhara :). Learning to live and implement latter part 🙂