Fundraisers, Charity Organisations, Donations. No, I do not intend to write about these. However, I would like to express few thoughts about the common denominator of all — Giving. People have opinions about this while this is the matter which should be completely devoid of opinions and concepts. Nevertheless, let me express mine. Giving is a heart act, not a mind act. Heart only knows how to feel. Only heart can give in a scenario where there is no tangible return is expected. It is out of mind’s league.
I hear and read about some common opinions on social media.
Celebrities and rich people should donate.
This sounds like –
“I am a loser and could not make as much money as you did and thus, I am going to justify my relatively inferior existence by giving you advice on what you should and should not do.”
Most celebrities and rich people give. Some you may find out about and some you may not.
I will give when I have more. I will give when I am in a position to give.
One will never have enough of money. You don’t have to be a millionaire to give. In fact, even if you are struggling to put the food on the table, you still can give. Giving doesn’t have to be extravagant and only monetary. It is not measured by quantity.
Giving is measured by the intention to give.
Charity organisations and fundraisers are money making business. Money never reaches to the recipient. Why should I waste my money?
Can one really be sure this is true about every charity organisation in the world that exists? It may be good idea to spend some time doing the research. When you gift something to your friend or relative, can you really make sure, every-time, that the recipient uses that gift for its intended use? What if they thrashed it in the bin or sold it to someone else? It is still waste of your money!! If you really want to give, you will find a way.
I am not suggesting by any means that one must give. No. If you feel like giving, you will do it without a thought in your head. If you don’t want to, its still okay. One doesn’t have to succumb to “societal moral obligation” rant. However, its futile to justify why you are not doing it by rationalising your choice. It is nothing but pseudo intellectual nonsense.
In the end,
- Charity is a personal choice, not a responsibility.
- Giving does much more to giver than receiver.
Anyone and everyone can give
Is there anything that human can give to another human of any lasting value??
May be, may be not.
MP says