Conversations with the mind
I- I just woke up.
Mind- Dude, hurry up, don’t sit around,you don’t have time, brush your teeth, take shower, get ready, go to work.
I– I am brushing my teeth.
Mind- yeah you do that everyday, it’s boring! what clothes are you wearing today? You need to call the broker today, You need to call the travel agent, you need to send that important work email, also need to call the insurance company, need to go to Uniqlo to pick up clothes.
I- I am taking a shower.
Mind- nothing exciting here dude, it happens automatically, you need to check your work bag, you need to pack your lunch, you have a 9.20 appointment for acupuncture, fuel is also running low in car.
I– I am drinking my morning tea.
Mind- turn on the TV, whats happening in the world, You need to call broker, You need to call travel agent, you need to send that important work email, also need to call insurance company, need to call physio for next week appointment.
I- I am driving to work.
Mind- This too happens on autopilot dude, you forgot your daughters passport that you wanted to scan, you need to book transit hotel for your wife, again traffic jam on the freeway, what are you doing on the weekend, you should clean up the garage this weekend, you should also watch the movie that you downloaded last night.
I- I am eating lunch.
Mind– do that dude but put on some music, check the news again, you might miss some important news, check your Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and Instagram, read some Medium stories while eating.
I– I have reached home.
Mind- Did I tell you that you need to clean up the garage this weekend? Oh, you need to put the rubbish bin out, you forgot to put your clothes in dryer yesterday, check your letterbox, recycle bin is full, you have received car registration renewal, dont forget to pay on time, put the passport in your work bag so that you dont forget like you did today, you also need to visit your accountant to lodge a tax return for this year.
Dude, you got no time to relax.
This is how we miss the moment and essentially, miss the life. The mind always makes you believe that what you are doing next is always of more important than what you are doing in the moment. Before I know it, I completely missed out on touch of warm water in the shower, beautiful aroma of my morning tea and delicious taste of my lunch!
Have you ever been fully present in whatever you’re doing?
Answer to this question determines the quality of your doing.